Gary Hinkson, Secretary/Treasurer

Gary Hinkson, Secretary/Treasurer has a B.Ed. degree in Business Education from the University of Toledo, and M.Ed. Administration, at Miami University/Ohio.  He is retired after 28 years as Senior District Business Manager, Cardiovascular Risk Specialty at Bristol-Myers Squibb Company.  Gary is the Secretary/Treasurer for Harvesting 4 Haiti Foundation, a current Trustee Board Member for University of Toledo Alumni Association, and an At-Large Board Member of the University of Toledo Downtown Coaches Association.

Gary’s Reason for Involvement in H4H :
“My decision to become involved with the H4H Foundation was based on the foundation’s core purpose – to support the development of the Haitian population through a process of self-sustainable projects and education.  These include demonstration farming, using drip irrigation techniques, multiple crop management and natural fertilization techniques.  Having people take ownership of their own development and labor, and in the process, reap the benefits from their own Haitian agriculture economy, is a fantastic cause to support.”